Tuesday 1 July 2014

my Vet Identification Card

Wooof Folks,

I know i promised to blog frequently but due to my very busy schedule of being goofy, chewing on my toys and disturbing my Momma & Dardy, i almost forgotten i had a blog. Heehee.

Just yesterday, i was issued my own pawsonal Vet Identification Card, how cool is that? With my name, details and my pretty photo on it. Luckily my address ain't on it otherwise i have a feeling that the male dogs around my neighbourhood is gonna start stalking me.

Talking about vet visits, i have been a regular to Point Vet. Over the last 6 months, i have been to the vet at least 10 times. No, its not that Momma is paranoid over the littlest things, but because im always easily falling sick.

I remember when i went home the first time, on the 2nd day, i was coughing badly with phelgms. Momma & Dardy rushed me to the vet and i was diagnosed to be down with Kennel Cough. Oh, what's kennel cough i do not know, but it makes me extremely uncomfortable as i cant control myself and kept coughing, occasionally coughing out thick white stuff. Was it my intestines i coughed out? Hiak. I do not want to think about it.

Ok. Back to the vet visits.

Over this last 6 months, i've been to the vet for Kennel Cough, for my spaying (more about that in my next post), 2 times for Vomiting & Diarrhea (vet says its due to me eating the wrong things), yeast infection in my ears, rashes on my body, heartworm test and regular check ups.

Most of the time for my vet visits, Dardy & Momma would be worried sick, not knowing what went wrong with me, but being a strong girl, i always recover well and fast. They brought me for the heartworm test to check if i have parasites inside me and to start me on my heartworm prevention. Personally i felt that its not necessary. For such a darling like me wouldnt have worms in my heart!!! But well, usually i have no say when it comes to my health issues. Momma & Dardy always insist everything is for my own good. (Just like how they stuff me with supplements before my dinner daily!!!)

This is me when i had bad vomiting and diarrhea 2 weeks ago

Just 2 weeks ago, i had a bad episode of vomiting and diarrhea which totally freaked Momma out. She woke up on a blue monday, went to bathe. When she came out of the bathroom, i was lying on the kitchen floor, looking at her with my pity eyes and feeling disgusted with the puke in my mouth. Momma panicked as Dardy was at work and i had several puddles of puke all around the house. Worst was, i was foaming in the mouth. Well, not exactly foaming as the vet says its normal for us to foam when we feel nausea but Momma was worried sick! She called Dardy and rushed me to the vet once they open.

Nothing serious folks, Vet says its just me eating something wrong. Probably the rawhide treats Ah Man bought me from Taiwan. Its my first time eating rawhides and i swear off them forever.!


This is me yesterday. Watching Momma as she watches TV. I tot i was healthy and fine but i overheard Momma talking to Dardy about some lump on my back. Once again, i was on the car to the vet. :(

Vet clipped the fur on the lump area and extracted the liquid inside for tests. Its a bacteria infection.!!! Why oh why, why do i always have infections? I guess i had better stop munching on grass and rolling around on mud.

So once again, im on antibiotics. I felt like a medicine can, always taking medicine. I tot i just finished my course of antibiotics last friday?!?! Now i gonna start on a new course.

Awwwww... sucks to be me.

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