Thursday 17 July 2014

my Spaying

Woof Woof peeps.

Like what i mentioned in earlier posts, this time round im gonna blog about my Spaying in February 2014.

Momma and Dardy just brought me home less than 1 month and they are bringing me to get myself spayed. They decided to get me spayed after serious considerations and advises from my Vet. My Vet suggests to get me spayed before my first heat. 

There has always been a lot of controversies for getting pets spayed/neutered. However from the many research Momma did, Spaying/Neutering can be medically or behaviorally beneficial for us. It also helps to prevent overpopulation caused by unpredicted pregnancies in us.

While the traditional age for spaying/neutering is six to nine months, puppies as young as eight weeks old can be spayed/neutered as long as they’re healthy. Dogs can be spayed/neutered as adults as well, although there’s a slightly higher risk of post-operative complications in older dogs who are overweight.


There are significant medical benefits to be gained from spaying.

Females that are spayed prior to their first heat has a reduced risk of developing Mammary Cancer. Some other medical benefits are the reduced risk of Uterus infection (a potentially fatal infection), Ovarian/Uterine tumours etc.

As dogs becomes sexually matured when between 6 - 12 months, females produce a surge of hormone estrogen and begin the reproductive cycle (heat cycle). When in heat, females will be receptive to breeding with male dogs. After the first heat, females will experience 2 heat cycles per year. 

During the heat cycle, there will be a surge of hormones estrogen which may result in irritability/nervousness in females. As spayed females will not go through the hormonal changes, our behavior will be more consistent. Spaying also will reduce the aggressiveness in us. 

Most importantly, spaying does not affect our friendliness, playfulness or personality.

Read more about Spaying HERE.


For male dogs, neutering them prevents the risk of Testicular Cancer and Prostate problems. Without neutering, males dog's prostate will gradually enlarge as he gets older, this becomes uncomfortable and even might make urination difficult.

Neutering a male dog will reduce his desire to excessive urine marking while on walks. 
Some studies has shown that neutering a male dog can decrease aggression as the high testosterone in un-neutered males might increase the likelihood of aggressive behaviour. 
After neutering, male dogs will be less likely to mount/hump other dogs.

Read more about Neutering HERE.

Back to my spaying

On February 9 2014, after picking me up from my boarding place at 10am, Dardy drove me to Point Vet at Jurong West. After some simple body checks by the Vet, they informed Dardy and Momma to come pick me up at 4pm in the afternoon, i was really scared and nervous as i have never gone through a surgery before. The Vet explained to my parents the procedures and the accompanied risks of surgeries and after my parents reassured me that they will be back by 4pm to pick me up, they left for home. 
After my parents left, i was brought to the operating theater. The Vet did some blood tests, gave me some injections and shaved away the fur on my tummy area. After a short while, i felt sleepy.

When i woke up, i was in the room all alone, feeling drowsy and dizzy with a cone on me.

After a short while of monitoring, i heard my parents talking to the vet outside, the Vet was explaining to Momma the surgery went well and what are the things to take note of when im home. I felt nausea while listening to them.

The Vet told Momma that i will be back to normal the next day, but im not allowed to go for walks to prevent infections to my wound. My wound will heal within 10 days or so and the stitches would be absorbed within 1 month. Im not allowed to be bathed for the next 10 days. (i smiled to myself upon hearing that)

In my semi-consciousness, i felt Momma's touch. She carried me over from the Vet and brought me up the car back home.

My recovery medicine.
Back home, i cant walk properly as im feeling dizzy, the whole house seems to be spinning. Momma carried me close to my water dispenser and i took a sip of drink. i was thirsty after not drinking anything since morning. I felt weak for i was not served breakfast this morning.

After my few sips of water, i could not take the dizziness anymore and i vomited the water out.
Momma placed a cloth beneath me and i just lie down and rest. i skipped my dinner that evening as i got no appetite at all.

My wound.
Resting on Momma legs

That's me looking real sad and uncomfortable.

On the 2nd day, the Vet was right, im back to normal, i woke up and had my breakfast.
Spent the rest of the day playing with my toy. No more dizziness.

My recovery process for the next few days was good and well, i felt no pain on my wound as i am fed painkillers. My wound is recovering well too as my parents took great care of me and cleanse my wound twice a day to prevent bacterial infection.

 I have my meals on schedule and drank lots of water.

That's me dozing off on Dardy's lap. I was initially quite unhappy after my spaying as i knew that i can never have my own children. I felt better everyday as Momma and Dardy explained to me that they spayed me so that i will have good health and lower risks of medical issues caused by hormonal changes.

After a week of my spaying, i am back to my VERY HAPPY self again.
I play, i eat, i poo, i pee and i disturbed Momma.

That's me jumping on Momma and irritating her cos she kept laughing at me with my cone and said something about me looking like a lamp!


Even though she says im a lamp, i still love her.

This is my wound after a week, the stitches are slowly disappearing and my fur is growing back.

im a bright lamp that i could brighten the whole room

Within 2 weeks, my wound totally healed and i could resume my daily walks.
Dardy and Momma brought me to U Petgamart for the first swim of mine. (will post about my swimming in the next post).

Spaying is not as scary as i imagined it to be, after i fully recovered, everything is as normal, i am still as friendly, still as playful, still as naughty. The talks about dogs having complete opposite behaviours after spaying/neutering is just a myth afterall!


To my doggy pals out there, do not be afraid or sad if your parents are getting you spayed or neutered, everything they do is for our own good.

Some things to take note of :
- Do not consume any food on the morning before the surgery (water is fine)
- After surgery, leave the cone on and do no attempt to lick the wound area to prevent infections.
- Get your parents to clean your wound gently twice daily with antiseptic wash and the medicine prescribe by the vet.
- Take your medicines on time (painkillers especially)
- On the 2nd day when the anesthesia wears off totally, be normal. Eat, Play, Poo, Pee and be irritating.
- You can do anything you want during this period as your parents will feel bad and forgive you for anything you do. (go bite the shoes u always wanted to)
- Enjoy the 2 weeks of no bathing! (I LOVE IT)

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