Tuesday 15 July 2014

GRCs Obedience Class

Woof peeps.

In late April this year, Momma & Dardy enrolled me in a Obedience Class by Bugle's K9 Training School, organised by the nice people at Golden Retriever Club Singapore (GRCs). The obedience class consists of 3 Sunday lessons in a span of 3 weeks. The 3 classes are held at Tanjong Beach Sentosa, Labrador Park and Tanjong Beach again. Every lesson starts at 9am in the morning, for 1.5 hours.

Momma signed me up for the Basic Good Manners Class as the Puppy class is for puppies under 6 months of age and im over age for it. hehe. The classes cost $150 for 3 sessions.

Basic Good Manners Class

An entry level program to start your dog’s learning process. Upon completion of this program your dog will be able to walk loosely on a leash, to sit and lay down quietly at your left side.He will hold commands given until he is released. This program will teach him to restrain himself and have self-control.
  • Heel with Automatic Sit
  • Sit/Long Sit at your side
  • Down/Long Down at your side
  • Ok (release command)
  • How to introduce your dog to new dogs they meet on walks
  • Stay  
  • What good dog-dog play looks like

27 Apr 2014.

On the first day of my class, i woke up real early at 6am to wait for my parents to wake up. Had my breakfast when they awoke and i waited excitedly to go for class.! it was my first time going to an Obedience Class and im looking forward to having fun.

We set off at 8am to avoid being late.

That's Me lying on the floor while waiting for Momma to come out of the toilet.
 We reach early and there's already many other classmates around. i waited patiently for the class to begin.
The trainer Cindy is preparing the tunnels and training materials for us. Cindy is a nice lady and she commented that im an agility dog, i agree with her since i can run real fast!

That's me going through the tunnel, initially i was afraid to go in alone, but i walked through it soon as Momma is waiting for me at the other side of the tunnel. :D

The first class ended at around 11am, i had fun and i made new friends like Cash (love rolling around the grass with him), Pumpkin, Amber, Bob and many others.

On the first class, i learnt how to Sit and Stay, Come when called and did some agility training like going through tunnels. I only obliged to commands when there's treats involved, otherwise, i act deaf. Like every class, there's homework to be done.

After my class, Momma and Dardy brought me to U Petgamart for a swim and some marketing.

4 May 2014.

The 2nd class is held at Labrador Park. As the name suggests, i was real excited to be there as i was expecting loads of Labrador to play with over there! 

As usual, i woke up early to have my breakfast and we left home at 8am again. 
Arrived at Labrador Park before classes starts and i was pretty disappointed to see no Labradors around. Its ok as my classmates are there to play with me. :P

Dardy practising the Sit command with me

Beautiful Park but no Labrador around.

Dardy reprimanding me when i refuse to sit.

That's my teacher Cindy using me as an example for Sit command

I have to down lots of water during breaks to avoid being dehydrated

Dardy practising the walk with me following, i simply refuse to budge
Acting goofy during breaks

All of us (classmates and me) are very attentive students. 

 That's me with Chotu (my Sheltie classmate).

After the commands training, its time for my favourite agility segment, today we learn to walk through 'ladder' and jump over hurdles. Agility segment is always my favourite as i can get to exercise and have fun! no more boring commands!

Even though i love doing agility, i refuse to obey unless there's treats involved. I love the treats my teacher used. Its dehydrated liver and it tastes heavenly!

My teacher mentioned that walking through 'ladder' is a good training for us to use our hind legs, as Golden Retrievers are easily prone to Hips Dysplasia, the ladder let us uses our hind legs more so that our hips will be stronger.

Jumping hurdles is my favourite too.

Dardy jumps through the hurdle, Me goes by the side.

After a few jumps, i got bored. im more interested in seeing my classmates jump.

That's my classmate Cash with his Mommy
 After i got tired of jumping hurdles and looking at my classmates jump, i decided to go disturb my classmate Bob, Bob is few months older than me. i love playing with him as we both jump onto each other and give some hugs!

Class ended at 11am today, i went though a refresher for last week's lesson, learnt new things and discover heaven in the liver treats my teacher gave.

11 May 2014

This is the last class of the 3 classes Momma signed up for. Lessons is held at Tanjong Beach again and Momma promised to bring me for a swim at the beach when lessons end! beh! cant wait to swim in the sea as i have never been in a sea before. Wonder how it feels like, will the water be too cold or too warm?

We arrived at Tanjong Beach before 9am, but there's a swimming event held there and there's no parking space available. Momma brought me down while Dardy went elsewhere to search for available parking space.

I waited at the Beach Club area for Dardy, tasting some sand as it looks so much yummy but bleah, it tastes weird and it made me cough badly cos its too dry! it might taste better if its wet. hehe.

After Dardy found a lot to parked, he joined us and we proceeded to my class venue.
The first thing we did today was a refresher on previous weeks lesson and than we proceeded to learn how to walk on a loose leash beside our parents.

My teacher played music while we walked and we are supposed to sit once our parents stops. I refused to obey as i would rather dance along with the background music.

During class intervals, i made full use of the short break to snack on some grass and have a drink.

And the training continues, this time round, i decided to be obedient and follow the commands.
(i sniff some treats inside Momma's pocket)


 And again, i have to gulp down water during my breaks.

Lesson ended at 11am. Mr Mark from GRCs came to observe our lessons and he came with a nice goodie bag for me (a GRC hat and some treats) and some pastries for my parents.

My certificate of completion

As promised by Momma and Dardy, they brought me to the beach area for a nice swim after lesson ends.
Like what i mentioned earlier in my post, it was my first time to the beach, Dardy was worried i might be afraid so they leashed me in the beginning. After a while, all hell broke loose when they off leashed me!

beh!!!!!!!!! i had so much fun!

i was afraid and i backed off when the waves hits the shore

gingerly, i made my way into the sea, one step at a time

Half of me is in the sea soon

Went in totally into the cold sea water

Momma thinks this pic looks like i peed in the sea. lotsa pee.

i was so happy when Dardy off leashed me! i rolled around in the sand
 After a few times going in and out of the sea, im now a professional sea swimdog.

Left my paw prints on the shore.

I was happily rolling around on the sand, running in and out of the sea when i spot another Golden Retriever at the Pavilion! Ran over to say Hi and before long, we were both running and chasing each other around the beach.
Meet my new friend, SIMBA

I have no pocket money from my parents, i cant pamper myself to a mud spa, so i shall just make do with a DIY sand bath at the beach.

Heh heh, see my smug face... im really enjoying my DIY sand bath, i shall leave my mud mask on for a while before rinsing it off with salt sea water. Soon im gonna be a even prettier lady with flawless skin.

That's me shaking the sea water off me.

Taking a brief water break so that i wont get heatstroke.

A short break is all i need to recharge and continue playing with Simba.

I Had so much fun at the beach. Shall pester my parents to bring me here more often.! :D

Momma love this pic! she says this pic is all about happiness... Me running freely chasing after Dardy
Sometimes, its just so easy being happy, its all about choice. Everything can makes me happy as long as my parents are by my side.

GRCs Obedience Class

Any of you interested in signing up for the obedience class i went to can go to the link above.

It costs only $150 for 3 lessons. It has only 3 lessons but its fun filled and i really learn many new commands and had fun. All of you doggy pals out there should sign up for it! :D

That's me after every lesson. i had so much fun that i drop down and sleep the day through when im home.

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