Monday 21 July 2014

My Dog Run Adventures

Over the last 6 months since Dardy and Momma brought me home, i have been to the dog run numerous times. Mostly i was brought to the one at West Coast Park, occasionally to the one at Bishan Park.

My first trip to the West Coast Park's DogRun was when i was about 8 months, still a naughty puppy (i still am now) and very energetic. Dardy has a hard time walking me as i was constantly pulling on the leash. Well, occasionally i do listen to commands and walk alongside Dardy. Other times i am deaf. i just go where i want to go.

It was difficult being me, i want to listen to Momma and Dardy and go the way they wanna go. However, being a inquisitive puppy, there's so many interesting things around in my surroundings that i just have to sniff around and find out what they are. I never wanted to pull on the leash but Dardy just walks way too slow. Cant he keep up with my pace? Tsk.

Back to my dog run adventures. Like i had mention, i have been tó the dog run many times since my virgin trip there. Mostly, my parents brings me there on Friday night or Saturday noon. When i go on Friday night, around 8 plus, im usually alone. :(

West Coast Park Dog Run

Parallel to West Coast Highway
Open 24 hours, lit from 7am to 7pm (There are still some areas with lights after 7pm)

Located on the Eastern Side of West Coast Park (not the Mcdonald's side), this dog run is more popular among people living in the Western part of Singapore. It is big, with ample space for me to run in and there are many stone tables and chairs for my parents to sit and watch me run.

All these are photos of me taken by Momma at West Coast Park DogRun.

Ain't i beautiful?

Look at how small and skinny i was back then. When i was 8 months old. Now i look healthier, no more visible ribs.

Sniffing around for treasures.

Usually my trip to the dogrun begins with me crazy speed running around aimlessly once Dardy off leash me. Followed by drinking water and overturning my water bowl (everytime!)
Than i spend the rest of the time lying down on the pathway looking at other dogs.

Hey there! how's ur run going?

After lying around for a while, the only way to get me up and about is when Momma throws my toys for me to fetch. When Momma throws my ball out, i chase after it, pick it up, den i drop it at where i pick it up and run back , that's retrieving isn't it? Well, sometimes when i feel good, i do bring the ball back to Momma.

Being the friendly me, i always make new friends every trip to the dog run.

I saw something in the drain, wonder if i am able to get it out.

Bishan Park Dog Run

Bishan Park 2, along Ang Mo Kio Ave 1
Open 24 hours, lit from 7am - 7pm (When i went there at night, it's still brightly lit)

Located in a Central Location, Bishan park dog run is always very crowded every time i went, it is located within a stone's throw from the Canopy (a pet friendly restaurant). This dog run is much smaller as compared to the one at West Coast but there's 2 enclosure there. One for smaller dogs, one for bigger dogs like me. The benches there are not enough for the crowd so usually there will be many people just standing around watching. Due to the crowd going to the park and the Canopy, the parking space is usually full on weekends.

The last time i went, Dardy had a hard time finding a parking space and Momma was asked to bring me to the dog run first, i dashed out of the car once she opens the door. Momma freaked out and chase after me for a short distance (the carpark is beside a busy road). Being the best girl ever, i ran back to Momma. i did not intend to run away, i just wanted to scare Momma and asked her to be more careful when opening the car door next time.

The entrance to the enclosure for bigger dogs

I Love this tree but i do not dare enter it.

That's me on the floor while the other 2 dogs check me out.

my standard regime, lying down on the mud

My Dardy and me

Hehe Momma! look! i made a new friend!

I have grown so much since my first visit to West Coast Park Dog Run. im now healthier looking and you cant see my ribs that easily.

On my first trip to Bishan Park dog run, my parents brought me to the Canopy for brunch after my run.
Too bad the Canopy is a pet friendly restaurant so they only serves human food. Beh... no dog food for me.

Eh Momma, help me order a Dog Egg's Benedict and a cup of Yogurt puppy milkshake please.

beh... cant wait for my brunch to be served.

hello waiter! did u get my order? why are u taking forever to serve my meal?!

Dardy waiting for his meal to be served too

yayyyy... the waiter is walking towards our table.

Hello! is that my Dog egg benedict and yogurt puppy milkshake?

Oops, that's for the next table. Uhhh... shall continue waiting.

i think i need to make my way to the kitchen to check on my meal. its taking forever.
 Finally, Momma's order is served...

Urm... Where's my Dog Egg Benedict and Yogurt Puppy Milkshake?
Momma: "Kopii, they only serve human food here."

Beh! me and my wishful thinking once again.

life... a dog's life is poor.


I always have fun whenever i am being taken to the dog run.
Usually i go there clean and golden, but comes home dirty and dark brown (all the mud all over me).
There's always lots of new friends to be made and its wonderful being able to run freely off leashed.
Even though i have only been to 2 out of the few dog runs in Singapore but i am sure my parents will bring me to the other few to explore in due time.

Some other dog runs in Singapore that i researched.

Katong Park Dog Run
Junction of Fort Road and Meyer Road.
Daily 24 hours; park is lit from 7am - 10pm.
Located in the East side of Singapore, it is well shaded by tall trees but relatively small, fenced and have agility facilities. It used to be managed by an external party but after NPark took over, it is now free for all.

Jurong Lake Park Pet Park
Yuan Ching Road
Daily 24 hours. (park not lit at night)
This relatively new dog run is hardly known and located within Jurong Lake Park (next to Tang Dynasty City), signs are inadequate and is far from the carpark so there might be troubles locating it.

Pet Movers' Dog Run
4 Pasir Ris Farmway II
Mon - Friday 9am-6pm, Sat and Sun 930am-8pm
This dog run is managed by the people at Pet Movers' Pasir Ris, i have only been there once and it is very small. There's a bathing space outside Pets Megamart with free shampoo to use. I love shopping in Pets Megamart whenever we are there as they have thousands of products available.


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