Monday 21 July 2014

Play Date with Friends

I have been on a few play dates with my friends Chezzy, Cremmy, Danzy and Yoyo.

Both Chezzy and Cremmy are Scottish Terriers, Danzy is a Shiba Inu and Yoyo a Corgi.
They are my best friends and i love playing with them.
We always had so much fun on our excursions and so much great food as well.

So far, we have been to Mutts and Mittens, Animal World (previously known as K9 Kulture), Tanjong Beach, III Cafe and Pawlicious Bakery)

K9 Kulture
- Located at 100 Turf Club Road
- Open from 2.30pm - 5.30pm  (Tues to Fri), 1.30pm - 6.30pm (Sat, Sun & PH)
- Closed every Monday
Price: per hour $12.80 (Small), $15 (Medium), $17.10 (Large)

Located at Turf City, this place is not easy to locate neither is it difficult. They have 2 swimming pool there, baby pool for small dogs and deep pool for expert swimmers like me. Why do i say im an expert swimmer? Read my post about my swimming trips HERE

The time we went, the human cafe is closed for renovation. There's only the Pawlicious bakery around. In the compound, there's a boarding house, a grooming shop (very costly), Pawlicious, human cafe under renovation and the pool area. Beside the pool area is a small dog run where we can run off leashed.

Saying hi to all the boarding dogs
Our group photo

From left, Cremmy and Dad, Yoyo and Dad, Danzy and Mum, Chezzy and Mum followed by the beautiful me with my parents

Look at my supporters cheering me on at the side while i swim...

Usually when i go swimming, the ratio of me inside the water and out is approximately 3:10.
I love running around along the perimeter of the pool and i always end up having bloodied nails due to over filing of my nails on my hind legs. That's the reason why my swim time is always cut short. Dardy refuse to let me continue playing when they see my nails bleeding. Beh.

That's my friend yoyo. she's a great swimmer too
 Saying goodbye before i leave for my tea break at Pawlicious.

After swimming, the humans brought us all to Pawlicious for our tea break time. YAY!
Pawlicious is a Pet bakery that serves only furkids meal, they do not serve any human meals. Hiak Hiak, finally the humans can know how we feel when they bring us to pet friendly restaurants that doesnt serve dog food.

a very extensive menu of furkid food

Dardy giving all of us some treats while we wait for our snacks to be prepared and served.

Tada... finally our snacks are ready.
The humans order us some paw cakes and pizza

That's Danzy asking his dad to play ball with him. Danzy is very athletic, he loves chasing after balls and bringing them back. He should learn from me, chase after the ball, pick it up for a split second, den leave it there. hehehe.

im playing with the ice cubes in the water ball.

The in-house pets.

i am too tired to have fun. just let me sleep please.

group photo again with the beautiful wall murul.

Family photo with Dardy and Momma.

I quite like the food at Pawlicious but Momma says that she is never ever gonna step foot into the bakery again as one of the in-house pet is very fierce... this bull terrier tried to bite me a few times and Momma stop him only to be told by the Bakery staff that his dog don't bite. After a while, a fight nearly broke out between my friends and the Bull Terrier as he tried to bite them. Momma says she will never ever bring me there again. :( well, i thought it would be better to miss out on good food than to be bitten. hehe.

Mutts and Mittens
- Located at 11 Pasir Ris Farmway 2
- Open from 10am - 5pm
Price: $10 per half hour (exclusive use of the pool)

Located at Pasir Ris Farmway, Mutts and Mittens is a dog shelter that have many sheltered dogs living there. The staff there told me before that some owners just abandon their dogs outside Mutts and Mittens gate. awww, why would pets owner abandon their pet just like that?

I have been there a few times, once for boarding, once for swimming and once to deliver goodies bags (HERE).

I love the swimming pool at Mutts and Mittens as it is exclusively for us only when we booked it. There's a shelter to protect our delicate skin from sunburn and there's a nice lounge for the humans to relax in. 

Gary teaching Danzy how to swim

Danzy is an athletic but he cant swim at all. once inside the pool, he tries all his might to climb back to dry land.

 That's me climbing up the pool in style. I look like some bikini babes on magazine's covers i swear.

i am not inside the pool as i was the one taking this picture!
After our 2 hours of swimming, as there's no bakery / cafe within Mutts and Mittens, the humans brought us to III cafe located at East Coast Road. This is my first time going to a Pet's cafe. I was all jumpy and excited that i ran up and down the cafe once im there.

While it is our snack time, this cute little fellow sits and wait patiently for some snacks. how cute can she be!

and than all of us sits and wait (if you notice, the sweet girl is still in the same position waiting) ... how cute can we be?!

Tanjong Beach Sentosa

This was my 2nd time to the beach. After my first time there (HERE), i had to share the fun with my friends, so i asked them out for an outing to the beach.

On the day we went, it was way too hot. Too hot means lesser fun. But still i had fun even though i had a bad case of diarrhea and vomiting while im there. probably i drank too much sea water and ate too much sand.

My friend Danzy waiting for the humans to throw toys for him to fetch

Yoyo the good swimmer.

Danzy watching on dry land while his humans and sister have fun in the sea.

still watching.

Ok Danzy, let me join you in sunbathing... erm. in the shade

saw another golden having fun.

Beautiful sea view. wish i could wake up to this everyday
 Being the best girl ever, i decided to give Dardy a present. Scratches all over his body)

Looking for a spot to poo first before continuing my fun.

After my swim, sunbathing, vomiting and diarrhea, we went to the beach club on the beach so that the humans can have their lunch.


Looking at all the photos of my outing with my friends, all i can see is fun, fun and MORE FUN!
I have to take this chance to thank my parents for introducing me to them.

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