Tuesday 3 June 2014

Blog has been blogjacked

Hello Everypawdy,

As i have been extremely irritated by my mum's laziness, i have took the liberty of blogjacking this blog. Im irritated by my mum but nonetheless i still love her deeply!! As deep as water bowl!

I have been asking her to write about my whereabouts and the excursions i went on these 5 months to share with my friends, but to no avail. Her couch potato living pattern has left me with no choice but to take matters into my own hand. Took a crash course on how to type using my fat paws and here i am, blogging...


Just a quick recap on where and what have i been up to the past 5 months. The last 5 months was quite a roller coaster ride for me. As you all may know, Mum and Dad brought me home when i was 6 months old, and this short 5 months,i have been though separation's sadness twice. TWICE! Come on, i dont know what is wrong with my parents that they could bear to leave me with my Puppy-Sitter twice. Once for 2 days, once for a week. A WEEK!!! THAT'S THE LONGEST TIME IN MY LIFE. Albeit i had a very great time playing with my doggy friends during the 2 holiday i had, but still i miss my parents so much. Even though i chose to play first, think abt them later, but still, it was a sad period for me. But im glad now that they wont be going on a vacation anytime soon until end of the year. Woof. :)

Well well, but despite the separation sadness i went through, the rest of the days are spent happily.

A short summary of what i did in the past 5 months, which i will blog about later with photos.

* Swimming
* Dogrun
* Pets cafe
* Surprises of toys
* New Bed
* Hotel Staycation
* Spaying

These are some of the things i did the last 5 months.

I will blog about them later when my mum upload the photos into the computer, which might take a while because she's spending so much time buying things for me and cuddling me! :S

So for now, since im alone at home, i shall spend my time biting my toys and taking naps while waiting for my parents to come home from work. They left for work ard 8am, its 11am now, it seems like forever. I think i forgotten how they look like.

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