Saturday 18 January 2014

Our First Pet - Kopii

Finally gotten our first pet after spending a long time coercing Angry Smurf's mother. 
A long time i meant years!

Angry Smurf's Mum agreed on Wednesday (15 Jan 2014) and we went down to Wellfond Pet Katong that evening and bought our first dog! Paid the deposit and informed them we will be collecting her on Saturday so that we would have ample time to prepare an area and the necessities for her.

Our first dog, Golden Retriever.

Kopii is the name of our new goldie, decided to name her Kopii as Kopi (coffee) is angry smurf's favourite drink. 
Kopii has been our dog's name for the past 3 years, but we haven had a dog yet! haha.
My bff Jess says that i cant bring Kopii to a kopitiam next time cos she will be confused as to why many people are calling her when they order coffee! LOL!


Initially all these years, we have been wanting to get a Corgi as soon as our house is ready as both me and angry smurf's parents doesn't allow a dog in the house. We both loved Corgi's as they are sooo incredibly cute. Most importantly, i am totally bowled over by their backside!!! Its heart shaped looking as their tails are docked a while after birth.

My love for Corgi's had never wavered as i really love their cuteness and THE BACKSIDE. 

That was until i met Ron. Ron is a golden retriever that lives near my office (Asia Square), his/her owner's domestic helper will bring him/her down for a walk every morning and in the evening around 5pm (that's my smoke break timing).

After seeing Ron a few times, i know i would very much love a Golden Retriever too.
I began googling about them, watching youtube videos about them and i set my mind on getting one as they would definitely make a good household pet because of their 'Kind, Friendly and Confident' traits.

Golden Retrievers as their name suggests, they are born to retrieve things. 
They would make a good pal at home and i believe they sure love playing fetch with us!
Love swimming too so i guess i can bring them swimming together with my BFF Serene's dogs.
They are most importantly Loyal.
Overly friendly so i doubt they would make a good watchdog (correct me if im wrong).

I read in Wikipedia that Golden Retriever loves to WORK! they love to be given task. Maybe next time when Kopii grow up, i can train her to help me pour water, bring me my clothes, bow at me when i get home and Pa Johor (my friend taught me this term, it apparently meant saying hi with your hands up) with me! LOL. im just kidding la! 

Today is the day Kopii is coming home with us to her forever home.

Woke up early at 9am to prepare and we will be heading out to Bedok to pick Serene and Gary up for breakfast together before heading to Paris Ris Farm to buy all the necessities. Many thanks to Serene and Gary for accompanying us as like mentioned, it is our first time getting a dog and we need experts to guide us on what to buy for Kopii!

We headed down to Pets Megamart at Pasir Ris Farmway to buy Kopii's stuffs. 

Some of the necessary items needed to welcome our new pal home.

  • Bought a Fencing that cost $288 and it is big enough to house Kopii even when she grows up to be an Adult Golden.

  • A rope leash and harness for bringing her on walks
  • A Choke Leash for training.

  • A pack of bone treats and WangZai Xiao man tou treats 

  • Supplements for Kopii so that she can have healthy joints, beautiful fur coat and no tear stains around her eyes area. 

  • Frontline Plus Neck Drops for ticks prevention. 

  •  A Pee pan big enough for her to pee and poo comfortably.

  • A water dispenser kind of water bowl so that she can stay hydrated all day when we are out.

  • A training bowl to prevent her from gulping down her food fast and furiously!

  • A pin brush for combing her fur daily
  • A toothbrush with toothpaste set
  • 2 rope toys and 2 teething toys
  • Dog waste bag to clear her poo when bringing her out
  • A portable 2 in 1 water bottle and bowl to feed her on the go
  • Nail clipper and filer
  • Ear cleansing gel and cotton wool
  • Nootie brand Shampoo and Spritz on conditioner
  • Paws Sanitizer to clean her paws when back home after her walk
  • Teeth cleansing wipes
  • Towels and face towels
  • Pee pan sheets
  • Lint Roll for ourselves
  • 15Kg Wellness Food for puppies as recommended by Gary and Serene. Bought it online @ Doggyfriends cos its cheaper and delivery takes 1-2 days. 

I would recommend Pets Megamart for buying pets items as it is a one stop place that sells everything!
You can be their member with minimum spend of $150 (excluding food and treats) and get to enjoy 20% off all green tagged items. You can bring your doggy pal there while you shop as they have a big field that you can let your doggy pal run freely and its FREE!

They open daily from 930am - 7pm on weekdays, 930am - 8pm on weekday.

Spent a whopping $860.00 getting all these items but i had totally no qualms about it. Probably cos most items are one off things.

After buying our necessities from Pets Megamart, we headed to Wellfond Pets Katong to bring Kopii home.
Kopii is all sweet and excited when she saw us. Such a lovely kind angel that is so friendly even to Serene and Gary. Understand all the necessary Must-know things from Cindy (staff at Wellfond Pets) and off we go.

On the car, Kopii is so excited that she jumped up to see what is going on outside the car.
After a while, she calmed down and just sat or lay on her seat without jumping around.

The journey was a long one, from Katong all the way to Jurong West, Kopii did not barked or create a nuisance, she just sat there most of the time getting up occasionally to look outside. She was startled a few times when Angry Smurf breaked and she slide sideways.

When we reach our place, Angry Smurf came home first to bring her fence up, cant go in together as the cage is too heavy and there are other things to carry.

After Angry Smurf is done with Kopii's fencing, we brought her in and leashed her by the main door while we set up her cage.

After the cage is set up, we placed her inside while we unpacked her stuffs and belongings and keep them in the Toyogo 5 tier plastic drawer we got at $39.90 from NTUC.

Opened her toys for her to play with but she only played with the rope toys, the 2 teething toys was rejected by her as she started barking when we place them inside the cage, maybe i will try letting her play with them again after a few days when she fully settled down.

Kopi is just like a well mannered and well taught puppy. 
She didnt show any signs of stress of unhappiness when she first came home.
She did not whine or bark. She just waited patiently when we fix her cage, and played with her temporary blanket (towel).

After we are done unpacking her belongings, we did not bring her out from her cage as my friends with dogs all adviced us to keep her constrain for a few days before letting her out so that she will learn to stay calm.

The pee pad training spray is of no use at all as i sprayed quite a lot on the pee pad sheets but still Kopii pee-ed on the floor the first time, cleaned up her pee BUT she pee-ed another time again at a different spot!
Cleared her mess and i followed Sherman's method. I wiped her pee with a tissue and i squeezed the pee out on the pee pan so that her pee smell would be inside the pee pan. Did that and prayed that she would know where to pee the next time and HOLA!!! She peed the 3rd and 4th time in the pee pan!!! woohoo!!!

Kopii look here!!! no response.

Kopii LOOK HERE!!!
Good Girl!

Its the first day Kopii is home, doing OK i guess as it is not as bad a nightmare like what i read on the internet about puppies first day home.

She's doing fine, just that need more toilet training.
She's really smart as she knows how to listen to the SIT command. But sometimes ignoring it. probably confused...

Shall go and continue monitoring her... She's like soft coughing a few times earlier... wondering if it is normal or not?




  1. Hi there,

    Can we find out what is the dimension of the fence you got? Do they sell them by pieces of a set of 6?


    1. Hi, sorry for late reply. The fence we got it from Pets Mover singapore. Its 288 bucks. Can go check it out. Its very strong and sturdy. :)

    2. Oh and they sell them in set of 6...
