Sunday 19 January 2014

Kopii's 2nd day at home.

Its been months since i last woke up at 8+am in the morning on a weekend. I have been so tired out by work and everything that for the last few months, the earliest i wake up on a weekend when i have nothing in particular to do was at least 1pm. 

Woke up at 8+am this morning as i heard Angry Smurf talking to Kopii.
I used to think that its so silly talking to pets as they understand nuts we are talking about but after having a pet myself, i started to talk silly things to Kopii. haha. 
When i got up, i was still lazing around on my bed and i hear slight coughing sounds from Kopii. Went out to look at her and realised that she seems to have phlegm and keep sneezing. 

Yesterday evening, i was worried that Kopii might be cold and i on the fan for her for a short while, was wondering if she caught a cold because of that. Called up SingVet to make an appointment for her but was told the morning slots are fully booked, so we had no other choice but to walk in and wait. Went to SingVet (Singapore Veterinary Animal Clinic) at Jurong East St 31 at around 10am after bathing and washing up.

Kopii was very well behaved on the car, initially she got excited and jumped up to see what's happening outside, probably due to the sudden surge of different smells in the surrounding but after a few minutes, she calmed down and just sat down at the passenger seat with me throughout the journey. 

When we arrived at the clinic, the carpark was full, had no choice but to bring Kopii down to register first while Angry Smurf go find a parking lot to park the car. Carried Kopii as she is still not trained to walk on leash. I got down a bit too far from the clinic so i had to stop for a while and put her down on a chair for a short 1 min rest before continuing as she is seriously too heavy.

When we finally reach the clinic, i had a hard time opening the glass door as it can only be Pulled open... Held Kopii with one hand and its great that she did not fidget around otherwise she might probably fall out of my hands. Good Girl Kopii!

While we are inside the Vet, i had to register for Kopii as it was her first time there (abuden!), and i had no leash on her. I was worried for a while that she might run around excitedly but she made me so proud of her when i let her down on the floor and ask her to sit, she responded and sat down in front of me while i fill in the particulars on the registration card...

That didn't last long though, while filling in her registration card halfway, another dog owner exclaimed that she peed on the floor. ZZZ...... Felt so paiseh but still proud that after she peed, she sat down and waited patiently while the receptionist clean the area she peed on.

After a while, Angry Smurf parked the car and came in, Kopii became excited again seeing his Daddy! LOL. The receptionist lend us a leash for us to hold Kopii in place so that she wouldn't startle other people.

Finally is her turn to see the vet, she wasn't that well behaved on the vet's observation desk, she kept biting at the towel below her and bit off the tag on the towel... Vet told us that her cough is nothing serious, most probably due to a change of environment and she is stressed which is why her immune system went down and its easier for the flu virus to act up. She prescribe her with Phlegm control, antibiotics and some vitamins to cure Kopii and we would have to keep her home bound for the next 2 weeks.

After consultation, we waited for the receptionist to prepare the medicine for Kopii before heading home.

Tan Kendes's Kopii. LOL

When we reach home, we gave Kopii her medicine before heading out to buy some more things for her.

We went to IMM to get some other necessities required.
Bought 3 air tight containers to keep her food and treats. A mattress, de-shedder, a toy and a mattress from Pets Lover. A medicine cutter to cut her supplements and medicine.

Spent another $300.00 today. $83 for her vet visit. $200+ for her other necessities.

Kopii ah Kopii, Get well quick so that you can play around more!!!!

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